Monday, March 30, 2009

The Swordfish, Then The Concubine

"The Swordfish, Then The Concubine" by Kee Thuan Chye is slightly different from the plays that I've studied in EDU 3217. At the beginning of my reading, I find it difficult to study the play because of the characters. This is the play that I notice that got a lot of characters. But I think it will be fine if I continue reading the play. Then, I still can't understand until Dr. Edwin asks us to list down the characters and find out their roles and relationships. Only then I can study the play. Thanks to Dr. Edwin. Hehe...=)

Logod and Ris Kaw make me wonder if I read the play correctly. It is because when Ris Kaw and Logod appear in the play with their modern language, I notice that the setting has changed. It confuses me for a while. Then I continue reading and then I manage to understand. It is quite complicated to me and I need to read it closely without missing any important parts to understand the story. Today, my friends and I are lucky because we have chance to meet Kee Thuan Chye. He does explain about "The Swordfish, Then The Concubine" and I think my understanding towards the play is getting better. Thanks to Mr Kee Thuan Chye =)

This play also different for me because it is actually talking about political issues. I realize that the messages are heavy but the way the playwright conveys it lightly. Kee Thuan Chye also inserts the comedy element in this play so then readers will be more relax to read the play even though the messages are serious. It is totally different with other plays that I've read. Even though I don't like politics, the play do help me to see the current issues and be more aware to political changes in our country. Over all, this play is good =)


  1. The Swordfish, Then the Concubine is totally a different play for me. I never thought the play is about Modern Malaysia till Mr. Kee Thuan Chye explained to us. The questions asked by the students and the answers given made me think all over again. I did not like the play that much when I first read it but I guess now I need to read it for the second time and get a kick out of it. The play helped me to see the current issues too. So lets support Mr. Kee Thuan Chye in writing more plays of this kind because I don't think many dare to write this sort of plays.

  2. The Swordfish, Then the Concubine is play that mock the current political situation in Malaysia. This is a Satire play that open my mind and give me a difference point of view.Kee Thuan Chye is a brave guy to write this play is this country
