Thursday, March 5, 2009


A Teacher Wants To Be?

I’ve done my simulated-teaching on 27th March, 2009. Even though I only had less that 1 week to prepare, I managed to prepare for the presentation.
Was I nervous? Of course I did. I was afraid my preparation was not good enough. I spend whole day to think what I was going to teach. Finally, I chose Oedipus Rex as my text for my presentation. I planned to teach about characteristics. I started my simulated-teaching by showing a picture of castle and a king through power point presentation as my set induction. I asked students whether they could see the pictures and fortunately they said yes. I asked for students’ responses by questioning them if they knew what the pictures were and they managed to answer correctly. Then I required them to describe the king and they gave a number of answers. After that, I explained that the words that they used to describe the king were actually characteristics. Right after that I showed them the definition of characteristic. They could understand it clearly.
For my pre-reading stage, I distributed handouts to the students. Unfortunately, the handouts were not enough because I made not enough copies. To solve the problem, I instructed students to share the handouts with their partners. I gave I page long extract and I instructed them to circle the character mentioned in the extract while I read it aloud. Next, I asked them to underline the words that described Oedipus in the extract given. They managed to spot the words and to acknowledge students’ answers, I wrote their answers on the whiteboard.
Then, I continued with my while-reading stage. I required students to list down the words that they had underlined and for each word and then stated whether it was positively or negatively connotated. Then, put a plus sign (+) next to positive word and minus signs (-) next to negative word that they had circled in pre-reading task before. I read the instruction first before I asked them to attempt the task. I provided the students with a table so then it would be easier for them to do the task and an example of answer was given as well.
My post-reading stage, I distributed another handouts and read the instructions as well. The worksheet contained a half page long extract and it required the students to describe briefly how the action of Oedipus in that extract to see for the truth in this extract affects his life. Unfortunately, my presentation time was running out so then I gave the post-reading task as their homework and they were needed to submit the homework for the next lesson (assume I was the real teacher at that time).
Finally, I ended my lesson with morale values and summarized the lesson. My presentation was done and I thought it was not really bad. I also got feedback from Ms. Kasthoori, the tutor. Her comments made me relieved and I also had to improve some other aspects in my teaching. Over all, it was a nice experience.

Is this simulated-teaching similar to how I taught in school?

The simulated-teaching is similar to how I taught because I follow the stages of teaching. I start with set induction, then pre-reading. After that, I do while-reading stage and follows by post-reading stage. Then, I divide the time of teaching so then I can finish my lesson. I think it is similar with real teaching in school. Then, the materials of teaching that I used just same that teachers use in school such as whiteboard, power point presentations and provide worksheets for students.
It is good actually because I can learn how to manage my lesson and it is also good for my students because usually the stages of teaching start with the easiest level and then the level will be harder and they students will be able to follow the lesson. It may reduce students’ anxiety and it helps teacher to teach them without major problems.
I admit that it is a good experience and I think it is a good way to train trainee to be a good teacher someday.

What were my strengths in simulated-teaching?

After I done my simulated-teaching, I noticed that I was good in introducing the topic of the lesson. My set induction really worked and the students were able to get the point of my introduction. It gave them idea about what they were going to learn on that time. It was helpful for the students. Then, I also noticed that I gave the students some times to attempt and finish the tasks given. It would help students to prepare their answers before I discussed the answers with them. I did acknowledge the students’ answers and write their answers on the whiteboard so then all students could see it.
I knew they were my strengths after the tutor gave her comments about my presentation. To make sure I maintain my strengths, I have to make sure I won’t be so rush in teaching and always give some times to my students to do the tasks given. I will always acknowledge students’ answers because their answers are responses to my teaching.

What were my weaknesses as a future teacher?

Weaknesses? I admit that I have weaknesses. In my stimulated-teaching, my voice was not clear enough. It indicates that I’m having problem in projecting my voice. It is quite difficult for me to speak louder because it is unusual for me to talk louder and it is my natural that my voice is small. I realized it was my weakness after the students could not hear my voice clearly. They could not hear my instructions clearly. Seriously, when I become a teacher, it will be a major problem for me. In fact, I did not prepare enough handouts for my students. It shows that my preparation was not really complete. I have to work on it next time. When I saw my students had to share the handouts with their partners, I realized that it was not good for them and me as well.
To avoide I repeat the same mistakes; I’ll list down everything that I need for my presentation. For voice clarity, I have to learn to speaker louder so then my students can hear me clearly. About the handouts, I’ll make sure I prepare enough handouts as a result my students do not have to share and do the tasks easily. Then, I’ll always ask my students if they can follow the lesson. If they have any problems with the tasks or they cannot hear my instructions clearly, they are free to ask me and I’ll try to make it clear.

Similar lesson or change it?

If I deliver the similar lesson again, I’m thinking to change the tasks or activities. May be I can come out with other interesting task for example I ask students to act as a few characters in Oedipus Rex. It will be more interesting because it involves students’ participations and the lesson will not be dreary. At least, the students will get to know the characters and their characteristics. It is helpful for their learning and it will be more meaningful for students. I think it is nice if I give a task to the students to write their own ending for the play. Many students will come out with different endings. It will be interesting and they students have opportunity to show their talent in writing.


Do I have questions regarding simulated-teaching? I guess so. Can I use microphone to teach? I know it’s such a silly question but then I still want to know. I question this because I have problem with voice projection. It’s difficult for me to speak louder and I notice that it will be a big problem when I become a real teacher. Any answer for my question?

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