Monday, March 16, 2009

Oedipus The King in movie version

After read whole play of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, I watched Oedipus the King in movie version. I got a picture of how the story was about. It was pretty similar to the play. But I noticed about something when I watched the movie; I found that Oedipus did not have club foot. It was the most obvious thing that I noticed. Some of dialogues in the text of the play were used in that movie. It showed that the movie was followed the real story line of the play. Since I read the play, I had knowledge about the story. So then I could predict what would happen next after certain part of the movie. The setting did attract me because it showed me where and when it took place. The place was in Athens and the time was ancient Greek. The costumes really showed that Oedipus and the other characters were Greek people. It was interesting because it assisted me to imagine how they looked like or how were they at that period. The movie showed reversal of fortune of Oedipus had brought Oedipus as a mighty king to become a common pathetic blind man. It was tragic to see a powerful king kept losing his majestic power and suffered in the end due to his ignorance. Over all, it was great.

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