Monday, March 16, 2009

Observing my friends' simulated-teaching

In our tutorial class, we are in the process of doing simulated-teaching. I've done it; so now I participate as student to observe my friends' presentations. I notice that many of them do pretty well and some of them really talented as future teachers. what I notice is that many of my friends provide similar activity or many of them use the same extract. Even though the extracts are same or the activity are quite similar, i don't think it a big matter because the simulated-teaching is for individual.

I like when Ms. Kathoori comments after a few friends done their presentations which is good for us to see the strengths and weaknesses in the presentations because her comments are holistic. By giving the comments, other friends who do not present yet can learn something and they can take notes or consider it as tips to make their future presentations better.

Most of my friends us technology in the presentations. Just like I did before, they also use powerpoint presentations to do their set inductions. Only a few of them use manual aids like showing printed pictures. Personally, i think it's alright.

Another thing that provokes me to think is the handwriting. As a teacher want to be,I really think that we need to improve our handwriting. Can you imagine if we write on the whiteboard and then students are unable to read the handwriting? It will be a big problem. I don't say my handwriting is better than others' and for sure I also need to work hard to improve my handwriting. It's just one thing that I think it important. Am I right? Maybe it is a minor thing, but for me it will be helpful if the handwriting is better and does not irritate others' eyes.


  1. Ya i have done my simulated teaching also. And now i am being the evaluator and as the students.Ya i do agree to that, quite a number of them have the talent of becoming teachers. That's good..

    The activities provided by most of the students are quite similar because most of them did their simulated teaching on the story Oedipus Rex. And i think that it does not matter.

    Yup the comment that Ms. Kasthoori immediately after the presentation is also good because it is one of the way for us to know our strenghts and weaknesses. By doing that also, ya those who have not presented can use it as their guideline.

    For me i prefer using manual aids because i don't really depend on technologies because it would cause trouble at anytime, we might not know.Just because of that i don't really rely on technologies.

    Ya i also agree to that the importance of the handwritting. Teacher should have a very good handwritting so that students will be able to read clearly.

  2. Hi Wani,

    I agree that Ms Kasthoori giving comments after a few people have done their simulated teaching is helpful too. Especially helpful if one is among the later students (like me, doing it on the last simulated teaching class). That way we can learn a whole lot more, reducing the chance we will make the same mistakes in teaching.

    As for handwriting, I see that the best way is make the letters clear and individual. I don't think joint handwriting like some lecturers do makes a good method for writing on the board. Of course, size matters too.

  3. I agree with Wani too that the comments given by Miss Kasthoori after a few people have done their simulated teaching because her comments are holistic and mostly is the mistakes that we all will make it. By giving comments, we can learn and take note so that we will repeat the same mistakes in our simulated teaching or our real-life teaching next time.
