Monday, March 30, 2009

The Swordfish, Then The Concubine

"The Swordfish, Then The Concubine" by Kee Thuan Chye is slightly different from the plays that I've studied in EDU 3217. At the beginning of my reading, I find it difficult to study the play because of the characters. This is the play that I notice that got a lot of characters. But I think it will be fine if I continue reading the play. Then, I still can't understand until Dr. Edwin asks us to list down the characters and find out their roles and relationships. Only then I can study the play. Thanks to Dr. Edwin. Hehe...=)

Logod and Ris Kaw make me wonder if I read the play correctly. It is because when Ris Kaw and Logod appear in the play with their modern language, I notice that the setting has changed. It confuses me for a while. Then I continue reading and then I manage to understand. It is quite complicated to me and I need to read it closely without missing any important parts to understand the story. Today, my friends and I are lucky because we have chance to meet Kee Thuan Chye. He does explain about "The Swordfish, Then The Concubine" and I think my understanding towards the play is getting better. Thanks to Mr Kee Thuan Chye =)

This play also different for me because it is actually talking about political issues. I realize that the messages are heavy but the way the playwright conveys it lightly. Kee Thuan Chye also inserts the comedy element in this play so then readers will be more relax to read the play even though the messages are serious. It is totally different with other plays that I've read. Even though I don't like politics, the play do help me to see the current issues and be more aware to political changes in our country. Over all, this play is good =)

Jack alias Earnest

Is it true that being Ernest is better than being Jack? This question emerges in mind when I read the play titled The Important of Being Earnest. Even though name is important, for me, it does not matter to be anyone. Some people say that names represent our personalities. Maybe it is true but not hundred percent true. For example, we can’t say someone who named as Jack has no uniqueness in himself. Everyone has their own qualities in themselves.

I find that the play is funny. It really amuses me. The play is about mistaken of identity. It starts with Jack who pretends to be another man called Ernest and then follows by Algernon who also try to be Ernest. The story is simple and nice. It is enjoyable to read.

In the play, Jack has pretended to be Ernest. He pretends to be Ernest just for Gwendolen, a high status girl. For her, being Ernest is better that being anyone else. In fact, she thinks that man named as Ernest has better qualities than other men. That’s why Jack wants to be Ernest so then he can reach the status where Gwendolen be.

Unfortunately, Algernon, Jack’s friend notices about his disguise and tries to reveal the truth to Gwendolen. He forces Jack to speak the truth why he pretends to be Ernest. Jack explains about it by saying that he desires to have a brother and then he creates a man named Ernest. So then, he plays Ernest’s part in front of Gwendolen and he becomes Jack in front of his friends and Cecily, a girl that he looks after. Cecily calls him Uncle Jack. Algernon suspects Jack has an affair with Cecily after Algernon found the lighter that got Cecily’s name on it. Then, Algernon goes to Jack’s mansion to investigate about Jack and when he arrives there, he meets Cecily. He falls in love with her.

Then, Algernon goes to Jack house by pretending to be Jack’s brother, Ernest. Then, Jack comes back from meeting Gwendolen in London. He shocks when he sees Algernon in his house with his new name, Ernest. It amuses me when Jack comes back in mourning suit. He plans to banish his imaginative brother by telling to Cecily that Ernest has passed away. His plan fails. The two men argue about being Ernest. It is funny for me. What’s so special being Ernest?

Another part that amuses me a lot is when Gwendolen meets Cecily. She thinks Cecily seduces Jack or Ernest. Then, Cecily also the same way too by saying that Gwendolen is trying to steal Ernest from her. Because of their jealousy, they become cynical and treat each other pretentiously.

Cecily: [Severely.] Cake or bread and butter?
Gwendolen: [In a bored manner.] Bread and butter, please. Cake is rarely seen at
the best houses nowadays.
Cecily: [Cuts a very large slice of cake, and puts it on the tray.] Hand that to
Miss Fairfax.

It is so funny. Cecily and Gwendolen try to against each other by using their manners to show their own status. They fight for the wrong guy. They don’t know that they are actually fighting for different guys. Who is deserved to be blamed, Jack, Algernon, or Ernest? So, in this play, I find that the Oscar Wilde raises the issues of name and status. So then, let us think whether name is really important? Is it really important to be Ernest? Is it impressive to be in higher status? Personally I think, we are free to be anyone we want to be. We better think about it.

Is it true that Fool is fool?

The Fool is one of the characters in King Lear written by William Shakespeare that I can’t forget. The Fool in the play has his own duties to amuse and company Lear. Is he really fools? He has no brain? The answer is he is not fool even though his name is Fool. The Fool in this play loves to sing and speak in riddles. His riddles are only to amuse people? I don’t think so. It is because in one of his riddle, he says that;

[FOOL: Winter’s not gone yet if the wild geese fly that way.
Father that wear rags
Do make their children blind,
But fathers that bear bags
Shall see their children kind.
Fortune, that arrant whore,
Ne’er turns the key to the’ poor.
But, for all this, thou shalt have as many dolors for thy daughters as
thou canst in a year]

It indicates that the Fool really knows what he talks about. He is not a fool that do not have brain but he has insight that makes him able to see the truth, the truth about Lear’s daughters and his surroundings. The Fool reminds me to Teiresias in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Teiresias is a blind seer that able to see the truth even though he is physically blind. The Fool by William Shakespeare is portrayed as a man who supposes to be joker to amuse the king now becomes a wise man who has insight to warn Lear about his two evil daughters, Goneril and Regan. As the readers know, Goneril and Regan make Lear suffers and crazy. As a result, don’t judge a book by its cover!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

King Lear

King Lear is a one of the tragedy drama of William Shakespeare. Why I say it as tragedy? It’s because at the end of the play, many major characters die. The conflicts begin with Lear’s two elder daughters start concerning about the properties. At the beginning, Lear asks his three daughters to express their loves towards him. Goneril and Regan flatter Lear and make Lear believe that they truly love him. On the other hand, Cordelia is unable to put a word in her mouth to express her love to Lear. It is because she loves him very much and she even refuses to get marry so then she can stay with her old father. Unfortunately, Lear gets angry when Cordelia says, “Nothing, my Lord”. He immediately disowns her and does not hand any parts of land in Britain for her. And then prince of French who is touched by Cordelia’s kindness wants to take her hand to be Queen of French.

After Lear divides the lands, Goneril and Regan become cruel and mistreat Lear. Their target is actually to get rid of Lear from his throne and then Lear will become powerless without knights, and servants. Goneril and Regan do not house Lear when Lear is outside with the storm. The lock the door and never let Lear in for shelter. Gloucester who is kind-hearted go out to seek for Lear and gives him shelter. The result of Gloucester’s deed, Cornwall, the husband of Regan takes Glouscester’s eyes out. At first, he only blind one of Gloucester eye, then Regan provokes him to blind another eye. They are cruel. They are not only mistreating Lear but also mistreating Gloucester.

In this play, there is a Fool that always companies Lear. Uniquely, the Fool knows the truth about Goneril and Regan. He also mentions about the two cruel princesses in his riddles. Unfortunately, Lear does not notice it and he still puts his believe in her two cruel daugthers. After he realizes the meaning of the riddle, he's too late. He totally regrets and then becomes crazy. Lear in this play represents the ignorance while the Fool represents the knowledge. It is something interesting to be thought.

Because of properties, Goneril and Regan with the help of Edmund, the bastard, they claim war between Britain and French. Cordelia as the Queen of French tries to help his poor father but she lose to the cruel sisters. Edmund who is the real evil has ordered to hang Cordelia. He himself dies after lose to Edgar the illegitimate son of Gloucester. Goneril who is unable to win Edmund’s heart finally kills herself and before that she also poisons Regan because she does not want Edmund marries Regan. Lear died after he holds Cordelia’s body.

It is pretty much similar to other tragedy plays which are ended with death. The ignorance of Lear leads him to madness and he regrets with his wrong deeds to Cordelia. In this play, the issue of humanity also emerges. It has been shown by Goneril and Regan who have mistreated Lear, their own flesh and blood. They also plan to murder Lear and Cordelia with hope that they will govern Britain fully on their own. The issues of ignorance and humanity are good for readers to think about and take it as a lesson.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Teiresias is one of important character in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. In Oedipus Rex, Teiresias is a blind prophet and he represents insight in this play. Teiresias is physically blind but he himself is actually can see the truth contrast to Oedipus who thinks he is knowledgeable.

Teiresias is the one who tells the truth to Oedipus about the murderer of Laios and he also reveals that Oedipus is actually the murderer of Laios. He is blind but he is not morally blind so then he knows the truth.

I think we better recall his history. Teiresias was the son of the shepherd, Everes and the nymph, Chariclo. In seven generations in Thebes, he fully participated in that period for Thebes, started as advisor to Kadmos.

In Greek mythology, Teiresias is a prophet of Zeus. He had experienced woman life after he had been transformed to be a woman for seven years. The incident happened when he saw two copulating snakes on the Mount Cyllene in the Peloponnese. Then, he hit the snakes a smart blow with his stick. Hera, was not pleased and she immidiately punished Teiresias by transforming him into a woman. After that, Teiresias became Hera's priestess, he was married and had children. One of Teiresias's child also posssesed the gift of prophecy. After seven years, Teiresias met two copulating snakes again. This time, he just left the snakes alone and according to the myth, if he left them alone, he would be released from the cursed. Finally, he released from the curse and became man again.

Teiresias didn’t born blind. He was actually blinded by Athena’s curse. Teiresias accidently saw Athena was bathing naked at the lake of Pallas. Teiresias’s mother begged Athena to undo her curse but unfortunately Athena couldn’t do so. Then, she exchange Teiresias’s eyesight with ability to understand birdsong by cleaning his ears, thus the gift of augury.

In separate episode, the reason why Teiresias became blind was different. In that episode, Teiresias was drawn into argument between Zeus and Hera. They argued which gender had more pleasure in sex. Hera said ‘man’ and Zues said ‘woman’. Teiresias who had experienced both genders answered that ‘woman’ had more pleasure in sex. It led Hera to get angry and immediately blinded Teiresias. Zeus couldn’t do anything to stop Hera but he did give Teiresias the gift of foresight and a lifespan for seven lives.

Teiresias became a blind prophet with other extra abilities such as foresight, lifespan, clear ears and gift of augury. With the abilities, he was not an ordinary blind man but he was a prophet who has knowledge. For instance, in Oedipus Rex, even though he was blind, Oedipus and people of Thebes need his help to investigate the murder of Laios. Oedipus as a king who can see and proud with his power still couldn’t solve the oracle. Teiresias was the one who told the truth in front of Oedipus’s face.

Teiresias was important in that play and he represented the idea of wisdom. He was physically blind but he was not morally blind. I think, to really understand who is Teiresias, I need to read all plays that he appeared in them. That’s the only way to help me figure out and really understand who Teiresias is.

Observing my friends' simulated-teaching

In our tutorial class, we are in the process of doing simulated-teaching. I've done it; so now I participate as student to observe my friends' presentations. I notice that many of them do pretty well and some of them really talented as future teachers. what I notice is that many of my friends provide similar activity or many of them use the same extract. Even though the extracts are same or the activity are quite similar, i don't think it a big matter because the simulated-teaching is for individual.

I like when Ms. Kathoori comments after a few friends done their presentations which is good for us to see the strengths and weaknesses in the presentations because her comments are holistic. By giving the comments, other friends who do not present yet can learn something and they can take notes or consider it as tips to make their future presentations better.

Most of my friends us technology in the presentations. Just like I did before, they also use powerpoint presentations to do their set inductions. Only a few of them use manual aids like showing printed pictures. Personally, i think it's alright.

Another thing that provokes me to think is the handwriting. As a teacher want to be,I really think that we need to improve our handwriting. Can you imagine if we write on the whiteboard and then students are unable to read the handwriting? It will be a big problem. I don't say my handwriting is better than others' and for sure I also need to work hard to improve my handwriting. It's just one thing that I think it important. Am I right? Maybe it is a minor thing, but for me it will be helpful if the handwriting is better and does not irritate others' eyes.

Oedipus The King in movie version

After read whole play of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, I watched Oedipus the King in movie version. I got a picture of how the story was about. It was pretty similar to the play. But I noticed about something when I watched the movie; I found that Oedipus did not have club foot. It was the most obvious thing that I noticed. Some of dialogues in the text of the play were used in that movie. It showed that the movie was followed the real story line of the play. Since I read the play, I had knowledge about the story. So then I could predict what would happen next after certain part of the movie. The setting did attract me because it showed me where and when it took place. The place was in Athens and the time was ancient Greek. The costumes really showed that Oedipus and the other characters were Greek people. It was interesting because it assisted me to imagine how they looked like or how were they at that period. The movie showed reversal of fortune of Oedipus had brought Oedipus as a mighty king to become a common pathetic blind man. It was tragic to see a powerful king kept losing his majestic power and suffered in the end due to his ignorance. Over all, it was great.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A walk to be remembered!

On 7th March, I went to KLPAC (Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre) with my coursemates. To go to Sentul, we took a train. In Sentul, we tried to get taxi to go to KLPAC. “Excuse me, can you take us to KLPAC”, I asked. “KLPAC?” “Where is that place, do we have place named KLPAC?” That are the questions that we got from many taxi drivers in Sentul East. It’s weird, right? Taxi drivers in Sentul didn’t know KLPAC. Maybe they didn’t want to take us there or maybe they have their own reasons. Although we got such negative feedbacks from taxi drivers, we never gave up and tried our best to go there. Finally, we arrived at the destination.

Once I saw the place, I felt so comfortable. The place was nice and full of art. Wished I could be there again. I bought a ticket to watch a play titled 2someS: The Secret Love Life of Ophelia. Since I’ve watch Hamlet the Movie, I had some knowledge about Ophelia. It was like the sequence of the movie and I was looking forward on it.

At 2.00, the play started sharp on time. Seriously, it was really different with cinema. It was real; I mean the actors performed live in front of audiences. The props were not much, only couch, coffee table, and television table were there. It was astonishing when the play started; I noticed that they used the same props for two different setting, the house of Ophelia and the house of Hamlet. Well, the time for the play was modern time. Why I said so? It was because they actors used technology such as telephones, PDAs and notebooks to contact each other and share their love in secret. Another thing that I really excited was the function of imagination. Hamlet in the play loved to drink coffee and he made coffee several times in that play. But, there was no kitchen and he just pretended like he was in kitchen and made coffee. In fact, Hamlet and Ophelia only used illusion of technology. I didn’t see any technology stuffs as the props. So, I needed to imagine the situations and thanked God I could imagine it. My imagination was working. The lighting and sound effects were really helpful to build the mood of the play. Trust me, it was absolutely amazing.

“Ophelia, my only heart”. How sweet Hamlet addressed Ophelia as his lover. “Dear my dearly dear prince, Hamlet”. This was how Ophelia thought about Hamlet. In letters, messages, and phone calls, they expressed their mutual feelings. The play was about their secret relationship. They didn’t want Polinius, the father of Ophelia and Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle or king knew about it. So the exchanged love letters and messages and they also called each other secretly. So, the play went on with the actors reciting their own feelings. They were really in love and the audiences noticed it when Ophelia and Hamlet had phone sex conversation. It was pretty modern, right? The language used was classic and of course Shakespeare’s language was classic. The climax of the play’s plot, Ophelia realized that her father knew about her relationship with the prince of Denmark. She was afraid and then called Hamlet to ask for favour to solve the problem. Then, Hamlet killed Polinius to cover up their love. Unfortunately, Ophelia became really sad because of her father’s death. But Hamlet promised to be her father and lover and then love her ever more. Ophelia only had Hamlet after her father died. One day, Hamlet left to go somewhere. At that time, Ophelia really sad and she needed Hamlet like crazy but Hamlet was not there. She then became mad or out of her mind, her sadness drove her crazy. She committed suicide and after that Hamlet came back but Ophelia had left for heaven.

Personally, the play was interesting and I enjoyed it. The voices of Hamlet and Ophelia were clear enough for me to listen to every word that they said. Both of actor and actress did a very good job. The play was about 1 hour 30 minutes. The duration was alright. I totally liked it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another tragedy?

I've watched another tragedy movie, 'Hamlet'. The movie is actually an adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy play titled 'Hamlet'.

Hamlet, the prince of Denmark is the protagonist of the story while Cladius, his uncle is the antagonist who killed Hamlet's father. The story is about seeking for the truth of the King Hamlet's murder. In the story, the audience will notice that the story is actually a tragedy. Hamlet is seeking for revenge and tries to against Claudius with hope that Claudius will go to hell for his wrong deeds. Claudius tries to poison Hamlet by putting a poisoned pearl in Hamlet's drink. Unfortunately, the one who drinks the drink is the queen. The truth completely reveal after that. Even though Hamlet knows the truth, he also faces the death because he has been cut by a sword that poisoned on its point. Then, he gets really angry and kills Claudius by using the same sword and pour the poisoned drink right into Claudius's mouth. Finally, all them die.

It is a tragedy movie and it ends with the somber mood. Just like Oedipus Rex, it is also end with sadness. It is a good movie to watch.


A Teacher Wants To Be?

I’ve done my simulated-teaching on 27th March, 2009. Even though I only had less that 1 week to prepare, I managed to prepare for the presentation.
Was I nervous? Of course I did. I was afraid my preparation was not good enough. I spend whole day to think what I was going to teach. Finally, I chose Oedipus Rex as my text for my presentation. I planned to teach about characteristics. I started my simulated-teaching by showing a picture of castle and a king through power point presentation as my set induction. I asked students whether they could see the pictures and fortunately they said yes. I asked for students’ responses by questioning them if they knew what the pictures were and they managed to answer correctly. Then I required them to describe the king and they gave a number of answers. After that, I explained that the words that they used to describe the king were actually characteristics. Right after that I showed them the definition of characteristic. They could understand it clearly.
For my pre-reading stage, I distributed handouts to the students. Unfortunately, the handouts were not enough because I made not enough copies. To solve the problem, I instructed students to share the handouts with their partners. I gave I page long extract and I instructed them to circle the character mentioned in the extract while I read it aloud. Next, I asked them to underline the words that described Oedipus in the extract given. They managed to spot the words and to acknowledge students’ answers, I wrote their answers on the whiteboard.
Then, I continued with my while-reading stage. I required students to list down the words that they had underlined and for each word and then stated whether it was positively or negatively connotated. Then, put a plus sign (+) next to positive word and minus signs (-) next to negative word that they had circled in pre-reading task before. I read the instruction first before I asked them to attempt the task. I provided the students with a table so then it would be easier for them to do the task and an example of answer was given as well.
My post-reading stage, I distributed another handouts and read the instructions as well. The worksheet contained a half page long extract and it required the students to describe briefly how the action of Oedipus in that extract to see for the truth in this extract affects his life. Unfortunately, my presentation time was running out so then I gave the post-reading task as their homework and they were needed to submit the homework for the next lesson (assume I was the real teacher at that time).
Finally, I ended my lesson with morale values and summarized the lesson. My presentation was done and I thought it was not really bad. I also got feedback from Ms. Kasthoori, the tutor. Her comments made me relieved and I also had to improve some other aspects in my teaching. Over all, it was a nice experience.

Is this simulated-teaching similar to how I taught in school?

The simulated-teaching is similar to how I taught because I follow the stages of teaching. I start with set induction, then pre-reading. After that, I do while-reading stage and follows by post-reading stage. Then, I divide the time of teaching so then I can finish my lesson. I think it is similar with real teaching in school. Then, the materials of teaching that I used just same that teachers use in school such as whiteboard, power point presentations and provide worksheets for students.
It is good actually because I can learn how to manage my lesson and it is also good for my students because usually the stages of teaching start with the easiest level and then the level will be harder and they students will be able to follow the lesson. It may reduce students’ anxiety and it helps teacher to teach them without major problems.
I admit that it is a good experience and I think it is a good way to train trainee to be a good teacher someday.

What were my strengths in simulated-teaching?

After I done my simulated-teaching, I noticed that I was good in introducing the topic of the lesson. My set induction really worked and the students were able to get the point of my introduction. It gave them idea about what they were going to learn on that time. It was helpful for the students. Then, I also noticed that I gave the students some times to attempt and finish the tasks given. It would help students to prepare their answers before I discussed the answers with them. I did acknowledge the students’ answers and write their answers on the whiteboard so then all students could see it.
I knew they were my strengths after the tutor gave her comments about my presentation. To make sure I maintain my strengths, I have to make sure I won’t be so rush in teaching and always give some times to my students to do the tasks given. I will always acknowledge students’ answers because their answers are responses to my teaching.

What were my weaknesses as a future teacher?

Weaknesses? I admit that I have weaknesses. In my stimulated-teaching, my voice was not clear enough. It indicates that I’m having problem in projecting my voice. It is quite difficult for me to speak louder because it is unusual for me to talk louder and it is my natural that my voice is small. I realized it was my weakness after the students could not hear my voice clearly. They could not hear my instructions clearly. Seriously, when I become a teacher, it will be a major problem for me. In fact, I did not prepare enough handouts for my students. It shows that my preparation was not really complete. I have to work on it next time. When I saw my students had to share the handouts with their partners, I realized that it was not good for them and me as well.
To avoide I repeat the same mistakes; I’ll list down everything that I need for my presentation. For voice clarity, I have to learn to speaker louder so then my students can hear me clearly. About the handouts, I’ll make sure I prepare enough handouts as a result my students do not have to share and do the tasks easily. Then, I’ll always ask my students if they can follow the lesson. If they have any problems with the tasks or they cannot hear my instructions clearly, they are free to ask me and I’ll try to make it clear.

Similar lesson or change it?

If I deliver the similar lesson again, I’m thinking to change the tasks or activities. May be I can come out with other interesting task for example I ask students to act as a few characters in Oedipus Rex. It will be more interesting because it involves students’ participations and the lesson will not be dreary. At least, the students will get to know the characters and their characteristics. It is helpful for their learning and it will be more meaningful for students. I think it is nice if I give a task to the students to write their own ending for the play. Many students will come out with different endings. It will be interesting and they students have opportunity to show their talent in writing.


Do I have questions regarding simulated-teaching? I guess so. Can I use microphone to teach? I know it’s such a silly question but then I still want to know. I question this because I have problem with voice projection. It’s difficult for me to speak louder and I notice that it will be a big problem when I become a real teacher. Any answer for my question?