Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is it a goodbye for this blog?

Blogging is one of effective way to contribute me as a student of EDU 3217. This blog provides me space to speak out my thoughts. I can write what I think important in this course. I can share my thoughts with my peer and exchange my opinions with each other by commenting their posts. I feel free to write in my own blog and everything that I have no opportunity to share in class, I will write it in this blog. Even though not everyone reads my blog, but at least I still have chances to share it here. Blogging does provide me space to write my views only, but it also assists me to build my critical thinking. I help me to analyze the plays that I’ve learnt in this course and then help me to get the issues or moral values that raise in the plays I read. Personally, I enjoy writing in this blog. It is like I have my own room to stay and I have authority to decorate it and put anything that I find suitable. Another thing that I like is there is no time constrain, I can respond without pressure. I can prepare my post first after finishing reading my texts and then post is in this blog. If in class, I find that I have anxiety in learning this course, but by blogging, it actually reduces my anxiety and it makes me comfortable to speak out my views. Over all, blogging does help me to gain knowledge and understand this course better. I think I like drama now. Finally, I find the answer for my own question. I asked if there is anyone who can help me to fall in love with drama faster, and here in this blog, I realize I'm in love with drama.


I've learned a number of plays in EDU3217. Most of the play are good and useful for my study. The plays have different characteristics and there are also moral values in the plays. I admit that I have difficulties in reading those play especially King Lear and Streetcar Named Desire. King Lear is written in classic English so then I find it difficult to understand. Streetcar Named Desire is implicit and most of the things are implied in that play. I only understand the play after Dr. Edwin and Ms Kathoori discuss it class. I've learned that drama is totally different with other literary works.

I think simulated-teaching is one of important aspect that useful for my study. Simulated-teaching requires us as students to understand the play that we are going to teach. because of simulated-teaching, all of us study the play really hard. It's useful for us.

Well, when I read the the plays, I think I can interpret the content differently. Why? It's because those plays have their own issues even though they are in same type of drama which is tragedy. For example, The Swordfish, Then The Concubine by Kee Thuan Chye conveys different issues from King Lear and Oedipus Rex. It talks about human behaviour and politics. King Lear and Oedipus have similar theme which is the reversal of fortune.

If I were a teacher, I guess I would be adopt and adapt the skills that I've learned for my future lesson. I've learn how to interpret the texts or plays, so I think next time, I will do the same way. I'll ask my students to analyze the text by using the same way. That's very effective to study a play. =)

Well, I have a question. Is it appropriate if we read the summary of a play first before we read the play? Maybe I can change the style by reading the play first and then summarize it. And I do find some sources to help me study the play and I also need input from my lecturer and tutor to share the knowledge about drama.

Over all, I love to study drama =)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Streetcar Named Desire

Streetcar Named Desire pretty much like other plays. Blanche, the protagonist in this play faces a lot of conflicts. Blanche herself comes from rich family with her aristocracy life. Then, she goes to New Orlean to see her sister, Stella. When she get to Stella's house, she extremely shock because the house is small and not in very good condition. Actually, she has lost his properties and now she is out of money. So, she decides to stay with her sister. Unfortunately, her sister also live in poor condition. How unlucky, right?

then, I wonder why the title is Streetcar Named Desire. After discuss it with lecturer and friends, I now understand. The streetcar named desire in denotative meaning is train. But Tennessee William implies it, it is actually the life of Blance. The uneasy life of her. But I think I need to reread the play to understand it better and clearer.

Besides, what I want to highlight here are actually the conflicts or issues that emerge in this play. Blanche is pity woman who cannot rid of her past. She is in heartbroken when she knows that Allan Grey, her husband is a gay. After that, she lives difficulties and she quits her study. She also suffers from her past experiences. She keeps hearing the sound of gun and the image of Allan's death emerges in her mind. That causes her to get mental illness. Another thing that I notice is Blanche never goes out in day. She always stay in dark and or dim light. In the dark, she always wear bright clothes. It makes me confuse and keep thinking why she keeps staying in the dark with bright clothes? In the end of the play, Blanche becomes crazy. Sometimes, she reminds me to Ophelia in Hamlet by Shakespeare. Ophelia lost her mind after she cannot accept the reality.

Anyway, the moral values that I can get from this play are we must face the reality and adapt the environment if our lives have changed. If we have problems, find the best way to solve it, not just deny or run away from it. It is helpless.