Thursday, February 26, 2009

Elizabeth: The Golden Age

For EDU3217, my class have watched a movie together last Tuesday. Guess what, we watched a very great movie, Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

The movie is interesting to me because it conveys many issues and they are good for us to think about such as religiosity, belief, sacrifice, and many more.

At the beginning of the movie, Elizabeth as the Queen of England has stated that she would not punish her people who still loyal to Catholic belief but she would punish her people who did Catholic practices. She is a considerate queen and it shows her as a good Queen.

The Queen of England shows her abilities to take care of her people. Although she is unmarried and has no children, she loves her people very much. It is true that she has experience a very hard time when she finds out that Bess, her maid has affair with Walter Raleigh, the man that Elizabeth loves. She is a normal human being with a higher status but she also has feeling and emotion. But then, she manages to recover the pain and become stronger to fight Spain people who claims war towards England. As a woman, she really makes me suprise. She makes the best decision to point Walter Raleigh as a captain of his people to fight Spain. As a good Queen, she releases all prisoners because the prisoners are her people too and they deserve to fight for their country and of course she succeed. It reminds me to a play, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus as a king really concerns about his people and he does his best to solve the riddle to find the murderer of Laios who is believed as a man who brings the bad luck to Thebes.

One thing that I notice is that the movie is quite similar with the storyline of Sophocles's play, Oedipus Rex. In Elizabeth: The Golden Age, the Queen believes in the prophecy of a prophet about her life and her country. The prophet says that she will face difficulties in governing England like she will be asassinated by Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots and also Elizabeth's cousin. There is a conspiration that had been planned by Mary Stuart to grab the England Throne from Elizabeth. In Oedipus Rex, the prophecy is very important and Oedipus really believe in prophecy of Teiresias to fullfil the riddle and find the murderer of Laios.

Whatever it is, the movie is a good movie to be watched and we can learn a lot from it. I still remember Elizabeth says that she is alone, unmarried and does not have child but she is a mother to her people. She such a great woman.